Logo Juratoys


Play For Change website highlights the CSR commitments of the Juratoys group.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) translates a company's commitments into actions to have a real and positive societal and environmental impact on society. This is all the more significant and important when our products are aimed at children and future generations.

About Us

Juratoys Illustration

Juratoys designs and distributes toys, stuffed animals, and games through its three proprietary brands with dedicated design and product teams: Janod, Kaloo, and Lilliputiens.

The company, headquartered in Orgelet in the Jura region, also exclusively markets the TY brand in France, Luxembourg, and Belgium, as well as certain creative leisure products from Hachette in collaboration with Janod.

Since 2019, Juratoys has implemented a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy that integrates environmental and societal concerns into its strategy. In 2022, Juratoys joined the French family group Maped, based in Haute-Savoie, France.

Our Brands

Through its own brands Janod , Kaloo and Lilliputiens, Juratoys is a major player in the toy market.

Janod Logo

Janod, Learn, develop and laugh through play

Kaloo Logo

Kaloo, Reassure, protect and look after the little ones

Lilliputiens Logo

Lilliputiens, Smart, sparkling, bonding

Our Environmental Actions

The future of children (and adults) is at stake now. As a company focused on children, we must take action to limit our environmental impact and ensure the longevity of our products.


1. Measuring Our Carbon Footprint

The Maped-Juratoys group is committed to reducing its carbon footprint by 4% per year (excluding compensation) to align with the Paris Agreements. A full carbon assessment will be conducted every 3 years starting in 2025.

Between two full carbon assessments, a simplified annual carbon assessment will be carried out on high-impact emission areas (Materials, Products, Energy, Transport).

2. Eco-designing Our Products

We train all teams (design, product managers, R&D, marketing, research, graphics, etc.) in eco-design and use a life cycle analysis (LCA) tool to quantify the environmental impacts from raw material extraction to store delivery.


FSC™ Certified Wood for Janod Toys

Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC™) is an eco-label that ensures the wood comes from responsibly managed forests. It guarantees the legality of operations, the absence of deforestation links, and the conservation of biodiversity. 100% of Janod's 2025 new products are FSC™ certified, and we make annual progress in certifying the entire wood and cardboard catalog.


Recycled Polyester Padding for Kaloo & Lilliputiens

All padding in plush toys & comforters is made from recycled polyester. For the latest Kaloo collections (Lapinoo & Tendresse ranges), we integrate at least 70% recycled materials (padding and plush covering). For Lilliputiens, at least 50% of materials are recycled (except for bath category, playpen panels, and sound rollers).


Packaging Reduction

Since 2020, we have been gradually replacing all plastic packaging materials (bubble wrap, polyester, douflin...) with less polluting materials. For example, PET packaging is being replaced with cardboard. Janod and Kaloo also replace silica-based moisture bags with clay in a paper packaging without plastic. Kaloo minimizes them as much as possible, and Lilliputiens does not use them.

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3. Experimenting toys rental with Lib&Lou

Since 2024, the Juratoys Group has partnered with Lib&Lou, offering subscription-based rentals for games and toys without commitment. Find our products for rent here! The goal of this partnership is to understand how our products are used in families, to better assess their wear and utility. This partnership is part of the group's commitment to the circular, cooperative and functionality economy.

4. Optimizing Transport

Our logistics warehouse receives products manufactured in China and Europe, then prepares orders for our customers. Initially made of wood, since 2022 we have been using very durable recycled plastic pallets. This saves on cost, weight, and raw materials.

5. Actions with WWF®

WWF® France is a global independent environmental protection organization active in over 100 countries. Janod has been a partner of WWF® France since 2019, initially providing technical support on wood sourcing/FSC™ certification. In 2021, we launched a JANOD & WWF® collection aimed at raising awareness among children (and their parents) about biodiversity protection.


Patron of the WWF® Nature Impact Fund

Juratoys depends on 1300ha of forest for the production of its Janod toys.

The WWF® France Nature Impact Fund is a patronage initiative that finances actions to preserve and restore biodiversity as well as sustainably manage public and private forests in France.

Since the end of 2023 and for a period of 4 years, we are funding this initiative with €25,000 annually. With Nature Impact, Juratoys directly finances “Payments for Practices Benefiting Ecosystem Services”. Forests, trees, life !

Member of the "Entreprendre pour la Planète" Club

In 2019, we joined the WWF® France Entreprendre pour la Planète Club, which brings together SMEs and mid-sized companies to address environmental issues and solutions to be implemented. Through this, we are patrons of the Nature Impact initiative. Discover the white paper of the club's SMEs

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6. Trusted Partners

For monitoring our suppliers, we work with the BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) program or ITCI (International Council of Toy Industries) to ensure that labor conditions are in line with Human Rights. We also use the BEPI (Business Environmental Performance Initiative) framework for compliance with environmental standards. For all brands of the Group, an ethical charter is signed by each supplier.


Our Societal Actions

Solidarity Donations


Since 2017, we support this association by donating games, toys, and stuffed animals to families in precarious situation across France, thanks to Dons Solidaires network. This association collects unsold non-food new products.

Petit Coeur de Beurre

KALOO supports Petit Cœur de Beurre association since 2017, which raises awareness about cardiac malformations and improves the quality of life for young patients and their families. By donating products or co-creating tailor-made products and projects to support patients in their treatment.


Volunteering Program - It's up to you !

Every employee, intern, or apprentice in France and Belgium at Juratoys is granted 8 hours per year during working hours to volunteer with the association(s) of their choice, either remotely or on-site. This solidarity engagement program is called A TOI DE JOUER!

Examples of missions carried out by our employees:

A Toi de Jouer - Eléonore shares her experience! A Toi de Jouer - Solidarity engagement - Agathe shares her experience!
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